Editorial Policy

At East Hampton Chamber, we are committed to providing our readers with high-quality, accurate, and trustworthy content. Our editorial policy outlines our approach to content creation, ensuring integrity and transparency in everything we publish.

1. Content Standards

We strive to maintain the highest standards of editorial excellence. All articles, features, and other content are crafted by our team of experienced writers and contributors who are dedicated to delivering accurate and well-researched information.

2. Independence and Objectivity

Our editorial decisions are made independently of external influences, including advertisers and sponsors. We do not accept payment or incentives in exchange for favorable coverage. Our primary focus is to serve our readers with unbiased content that reflects the values and mission of East Hampton Chamber.

3. Accuracy and Fact-Checking

Accuracy is a cornerstone of our editorial process. All information published on our website is carefully fact-checked and reviewed. We cite credible sources and provide links to original content when applicable. In cases where errors are identified, we are committed to correcting them promptly and transparently.

4. Plagiarism and Originality

We take plagiarism seriously and ensure that all content is original or properly attributed. Our team uses plagiarism detection tools to verify the authenticity of our content. We respect intellectual property rights and expect our contributors to do the same.

5. User-Generated Content

We welcome user contributions and encourage our community to share their insights and experiences. However, we reserve the right to review, edit, or reject user-generated content that does not meet our editorial standards or violates our terms of use.

6. Corrections and Updates

If a mistake is discovered in our published content, we will take appropriate action to correct it as soon as possible. Corrections or updates will be clearly noted to maintain transparency with our readers.

7. Feedback and Complaints

We value feedback from our readers and take complaints seriously. If you have concerns about the content published on our site, please contact us at [email protected]. We are committed to addressing legitimate concerns and upholding our editorial standards.

8. Advertising and Sponsored Content

Sponsored content and advertisements are clearly labeled to distinguish them from editorial content. While we may feature sponsored articles or partner content, these pieces are held to the same editorial standards as our independent content.

Thank you for trusting East Hampton Chamber as your source of reliable information. Our commitment to editorial integrity ensures that we continue to provide valuable content that serves our community.