Canada HST Netfile Payment Dates 2024: How to File HST Return in Canada?

Both the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) are essential elements of the tax system that is in place in Canada. It is crucial for companies who collect HST to have a solid understanding of how to file their returns and when they should make payments. Including important dates and deadlines, this article will walk you through the process of completing your HST taxes in Canada. Additionally, it will provide a description of the Netfile system, which simplifies the process of filing your returns.

Canada HST Netfile Payment Dates 2024

Both provincial sales taxes and the Goods and Services Tax, also known as the GST or the Harmonized Sales Tax, are the two types of sales taxes that are levied in Canada. The way that value-added taxes, such as the GST and HST, operate is based on inputs and outputs. These indirect taxes are frequently referred to as the Goods and Services Tax (GST) or consumer taxes.

Except for a few industries, such as the food business, these taxes are imposed on the vast majority of products and services that are manufactured or consumed within the borders of Canada. When a taxpayer makes a purchase of goods or services,

they are responsible for paying the input tax, also known as the GST or HST. When a taxpayer sells its goods to clients, the same taxpayer is also responsible for collecting the output tax, sometimes known as the GST or the HST. When the taxpayer takes the output tax and subtracts the input tax, the leftover money is then sent to the body that is responsible for taxation.

Overview of Canada HST Netfile Payment Dates 2024

TitleCanada HST Netfile Payment Dates: How to File HST Return in Canada? Deadline
DepartmentCanada Revenue Agency

Dates’ details of the GST/HST Netfile

Registrants of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) have the option of selecting “filing periods” on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. The date on which you are required to make your payment is impacted by the GST/HST filing period. Filers who file their returns on a monthly or quarterly basis are obliged to submit the return and payment one month after the end of the reporting period. Those individuals who are required to file a yearly return must do so by the 15th of June, the year after the tax year in question.

Canada HST Netfile Payment Dates

You are required to submit your GST/HST Netfile return on the official website of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) prior to the deadline. In the event that you do not comply, the CRA may impose certain penalties on you. You have the option of submitting a request for an extension in the event that you are unable to submit your GST/HST netfile amount within the specified time frame.

Instructions on How to Submit Your HST Return in Canada

The process of filing a return for the Goods and Services Tax (HST) in Canada is quite simple, particularly when considering the options that are offered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). A step-by-step guide is as follows:

Step 1: Compile all of your information.

Gather all of the relevant information before filing, including the following:

  • The records of sales and income for the period under consideration.
  • Documents proving that the Goods and Services Tax (HST) was paid on certain business expenses.
  • As a point of reference, any previous HST returns.

Step 2: Make sure you calculate your HST.

You need to compute two primary figures:

  • This is the entire amount of the Goods and Services Tax (HST) that you have collected from your consumers.
  • The total amount of the Goods and Services Tax (HST) paid includes the HST that you paid on business expenses.

If your total amount of HST collected is greater than the amount paid, you are required to send the difference to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). On the other hand, if you paid more in HST than you collected, you might be eligible for a refund.

Step 3: Gain access to the online services provided by the CRA.

Log in to your CRA My Business Account in order to submit your HST refund. You can also make use of the GST/HST NETFILE service offered by the CRA, which enables businesses that are eligible to file their HST returns online. Ensure that you have your company’s phone number on hand.

Step 4: Ensure that your return is finished.

In order to complete your return, you will need to follow the directions. This procedure will normally involve inputting your total sales, the amount of HST collected, and the amount of HST paid. Your HST that is payable or refunded will be calculated automatically by the system.

Step 5: Review and then send in your submission

Check each of your entries twice to ensure that they are correct. It is possible for errors to result in processing delays or penalties. Once your needs have been met, send in your return.

Step 6: Proceed with your payment.

In the event that you are in possession of an HST debt, you must make your payment before the specified deadline. Make sure to save a record of the confirmation of your payment for your purposes.

Possible Alternatives for Filing

Businesses can file their HST returns using the following channels in addition to the online options offered by the CRA:

  • The GST/HST return form can be downloaded and printed from the CRA website. Subsequently, the form must be manually filled out and mailed to the CRA.
  • Software for Taxes: Numerous accounting software programs are designed to manage HST filings and are able to link directly with CRA accounting systems.

This is the GST/HST Netfile Guide.

When you are submitting your GST/HST return through the Netfile mode, you need to take into consideration the following points mentioned below:

  • You are required to have a proper business telephone number. You should check to see that your firm is already registered with the CRA for the GST/HST.
  • You must be in possession of a login ID and password for the CRA. In order to use Netfile, you will first need to log into your account with the CRA. There is also the option of allowing another person to apply on your behalf.
  • You are required to submit the relevant returns for the period in which you filed your GST/HST return.
  • The comprehensive financial accounts of your organization must be prepared. In order to achieve this, you will need to gather information from your quarterly or annual financial statements.
  • The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) may get in touch with you once you have obtained the confirmation number in order to request more information or verify particular facts. Following the completion of the processing of your return, the CRA will give you a Notice of Assessment if this is not the case.


The process of filing HST returns in Canada may appear to be complicated; however, gaining an understanding of the procedure, deadlines, and resources that are available can significantly simplify the process. Online filing is made much simpler by the use of the My Business Account and the Netfile system offered by the Canada Revenue Authorities.

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It is important to keep in mind that maintaining organization and remaining educated about your commitments will assure compliance and make penalties less severe. To be successful in the Canadian market, it is vital to have a firm grasp of the procedure of filing for the Goods and Services Tax (HST), regardless of the size of your company.

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