About Us

Welcome to www.easthamptonchamber.com (East Hampton Chamber of Commerce). The East Hampton Chamber is dedicated to finance, social, entertainment, and news related to the East Hampton city area. This portal originally began in 1998 but was relaunched in 2024 with new energy and an expert team.

Website Editor-in-Chief, Team, and Team Structure

Riya Claire – Editor-in-Chief

Riya Claire is the Editor-in-Chief of the East Hampton Chamber Portal. She holds a degree in Mass Communication, an MBA in Finance, and a diploma in HR, making her a versatile professional for an online portal. She has worked for various media websites and micro-finance companies. In 2024, she launched her own media production house, with this portal being the first venture of her new enterprise.

Chloe Aiko

Content Head

Chloe Aiko brings 8 years of experience in content management and strategy.

Willow Grace

SEO Head

Willow Grace has 5 years of experience in SEO, specializing in optimizing online content for better search engine visibility.

River Rose

Research & Publishing Head

River Rose is pursuing a PhD in the financial impact on social life and has 5 years of experience in research and publishing.

Team Structure

Work Flow Structure

Unique & Quality Article Production Process

  1. Research Team sends article to River Rose
  2. River Rose sends article to Content Head
  3. Content Head allots article to Content Writers
  4. Content Writers send written article to Chloe Aiko
  5. Chloe Aiko approves and sends article to SEO Head Willow Grace
  6. Willow Grace allots article to her team for on-page SEO and readability improvements
  7. SEO team sends the improved article back to Willow Grace
  8. Willow Grace sends article to River Rose
  9. River Rose sends article to Riya Claire, Editor-in-Chief
  10. Riya Claire approves and sends the article to the Publishing Team for publishing.

Feature Your Article on the East Hampton Chamber Portal

If you’re interested in publishing your article on our website, please send your submission to [email protected]. To ensure your article is accepted, please meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Content should be unique, thoroughly researched, and offer value to our readers.
  • Include source links if your information is gathered from online sources, or attach relevant photos if your data is from offline sources.
  • Provide all your social media links, so we can credit you as the author.

We look forward to featuring your insightful contributions!