Canada Grocery Rebate Bill (C-46)– Know Eligibility & Amount Details

In the entire world, the inflation is increasing day by day. People with low and moderate income face a lot of challenges in coping up with their expenses. Canada, one of the richest countries in the world is also getting affected by the inflation and rise in the cost-of-living. Some of the Canadian people are facing financial stress due to an increase in the grocery expenses. Therefore, the government of Canada executed Grocery Rebate Bill (C-46) across the country. 

Canada Grocery Rebate Bill (C-46)

The Grocery Rebate Bill (C-46) was enacted with an aim to alleviate the grocery expenses. 11 million people across the country are going to get benefited from this benefit. It comes under the cost-of-living act and will provide a lot of financial relief to the citizens of Canada. The bill was introduced in the budget 2023 and it got its royal assent on May 11, 2023.

Citizens who are facing difficulty in dealing with the grocery expenses can appeal for the bill. There is a certain eligibility criteria that every claimant should qualify. In this article, you will get a comprehensive overview of the eligibility criteria, payment amount and the claiming process of the bill. 

Outlook of Grocery Rebate Bill (C-46) in Canada 2024

TitleGrocery Rebate Bill (C-46) 
Country Canada
Department Canada Revenue Agency
Recipients Citizens of Canada
Expected Budget$198.3 Billion
Frequency of PaymentOne-Time
Post Category Finance
Official Portal

Eligibility Criteria 

Grocery Rebate Bill (C-46) was enacted for all the citizens of the country. But to provide the rebate only to the people who are in actual need of financial support, the government of Canada set a criteria to qualify the rebate. People who want to appeal for the rebate should qualify this below eligibility criteria:

Grocery Rebate Bill (C-46) 
  1. Age limit: The claimants must be at least 19 years old.
  2. Income Tax Return: Citizens must have filed their income tax return for 2021.
  3. Income Limit: The income limit of a single individual is $45,000 or less. Couples must have their collective income less than or equal to $65,000

If a person qualifies these above mentioned factors, then you must apply for the rebate. It will provide adequate financial relief to the eligible people. The payment amount of the rebate is mentioned below. 

Payment Details

The payment amount is distributed according to the financial condition and number of family members of the claimants. People who are already eligible in the GST/HST credit will get automatically enrolled in the Grocery Rebate. Below is the payment breakdown of the Rebate. The payment is given to the families of up to 4 children. 

Single Parents or carers of a child

No. of ChildRebate Amount
0 Child$234
1 Child$387
2 Child$467
3 Child$548
4 Child$628

Married Couple or common-law partner

No. of ChildRebate Amount
0 Child$306
1 Child$387
2 Child$467
3 Child$548
4 Child$628

How to claim the Grocery Rebate?

People who have filled their income tax return for 2021 and are already enrolled in the GST/HST credit need not to apply for the rebate separately. The CRA will verify the eligibility of the people according to the tax return they have filled in 2021. The amount of the rebate is equal to the twice of the GST/HST credit amount. 

The rebate will help the people in alleviating their financial stress and enhance a better quality of life. The eligible people will receive the payment directly into their bank accounts or through cheque from the CRA. Therefore, keep your bank details up-to-date with the CRA. 

Home Page

In case you haven’t received your rebate, please directly contact the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

FAQs of Grocery Rebate Bill (C-46)

What is the purpose of the Rebate?

The rebate was enacted with a purpose of alleviating financial stress of grocery expenses from the people of Canada.

What is the frequency of the payment?

The rebate is a one-time payment aimed at providing financial support to the Canadian people.

What is the age limit of qualifying for the rebate?

The people who are at least 19 years old can claim the rebate.

Can the rebate be utilized for other essential expenses?

Although the rebate was initiated to reduce the grocery expenses, it can be utilized for other essential expenses.

How will I receive the rebate?

The rebate will be directly transferred into the bank accounts of eligible citizens of Canada.

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