Fact-Checking Policy

At East Hampton Chamber, we are committed to delivering accurate and reliable content to our readers. Our fact-checking policy outlines the procedures we follow to ensure that the information we publish is credible, trustworthy, and up-to-date.

1. Commitment to Accuracy

Accuracy is at the core of our editorial values. We are dedicated to ensuring that all information in our articles, features, and other content is correct and presented clearly. Our goal is to provide our readers with dependable information that they can trust.

2. Sources and Verification

We rely on credible sources, including reputable news organizations, official reports, academic studies, and subject matter experts. Every piece of information is carefully vetted, and we strive to cross-check facts against multiple reliable sources to verify their authenticity.

3. Fact-Checking Process

Our fact-checking process involves:

  • Research: Gathering information from primary and authoritative sources.
  • Verification: Cross-referencing facts with multiple sources to confirm their accuracy.
  • Review: An editorial team member reviews all content before publication to ensure that facts are correctly presented and supported by evidence.
  • Attribution: We provide clear attributions and links to sources wherever possible, so readers can verify the information independently.

4. Handling Errors

Despite our best efforts, mistakes can happen. When errors are identified, we are committed to correcting them promptly and transparently. Corrections will be clearly noted within the content, and major corrections may be highlighted separately to inform our readers of the changes.

5. Reader Contributions

We encourage readers to participate in maintaining the accuracy of our content. If you notice a factual error or have concerns about the information presented, please contact us at [email protected]. We appreciate your feedback and will investigate all valid concerns thoroughly.

6. Updates and Revisions

We regularly review our content to ensure that it remains accurate over time. If new information comes to light that changes the context or understanding of a published piece, we will update the content accordingly and note the date of the revision.

7. Independence and Impartiality

Our fact-checking process is conducted independently of any external influences, including advertisers and sponsors. We do not allow commercial interests to compromise the integrity of our editorial content.

8. Commitment to Transparency

We believe in transparency with our readers. If an article includes potentially contentious or disputed information, we will clearly indicate our sources and explain the context in which the information is presented.

By adhering to these fact-checking standards, East Hampton Chamber aims to provide our readers with high-quality, accurate, and reliable content that informs and engages our community. Thank you for trusting us as your information source.