International Students Protest in Canada as Trudeau Government introduces cap on foreign workers

The news has been released that the graduated international students in Canada are facing a risk of deportation, due to changes in the federal policy of the government. 70,000 students are protesting against Justin Trudeau’s Government. They might get deported at the end of this year after the completion of their work permit. Currently, Canada is facing a worldwide protest by the international students. 

Students who came to Canada to study and structure their careers in the country are now protesting against the recent change in the policy. Trudeau’s government has made a decision to limit the study allowance and cut down permanent residency permission. 

For over 3 months, hundreds of students have been protesting against the changes outside the legislative assembly in Prince Edward Island (PEI).

Similarly, protests are also taking place in Manitoba, Ontario and British Columbia. 

Why are Indian Students protesting against the new Government Policy?

Many Indian Students came to Canada for higher studies and permanent residency. But, due to changes in the federal policy, these students are left with no option other than protesting against the new policy. As the new policies have destroyed all their plans, and have left them with high debts. 

The ongoing rallies have shown desperation against the government, as the students have felt unfairly targeted by the government. 

They had highly invested in their studies in Canada and now they’re told to leave the country after the completion of their studies. This has left them battling with their debts.

For extension of their work permission, the foreign students are hustling with the government. They are urging to provide a proper path for permanent residency. 

Highlights of protest in Canada against the Trudeau’s Government

Name of Country Canada
Affected people International students in Canada 
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Reduction percentage in permanent residency25%
Last date of Work Permit End of the year 2024

Changes introduced by the Canadian Government

There has been a 25% reduction in the permanent residency. This has led to a risk of deportation of international students. Many students are facing an alarming deadline of their work permit with no surety about permanent residence. 

Students Protest in Canada as Trudeau Government

Justin Trudeau posted – “We’re reducing the number of low-wage, temporary foreign workers in Canada. The labour market has changed. Now is the time for our businesses to invest in Canadian workers and youth”.

Why did the Canadian Government make these changes?

Due to an increase in foreign students, momentary residents, and international workers. Trudeau’s Government is facing a high inflow of migration in the country. Although the government was dependent on immigration policies to operate economic growth and remove labour gaps. However, the government was getting pressurized due to these immigration policies and facing allegations of provoking the housing crunch. Because of this, the government has decided to prioritize and invest time in Canadian workers and businesses. 

This has led to the decision to reduce the percentage of permanent residencies of international students. 

Last year, in November the Canadian Government decided to close the elevation of immigration for permanent residents. This year, in January the government announced a cap of two years for foreign students. As a number of newcomers were taking control of it, they have decided to not give work permission to some students in the country.

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FAQs For International Students Protest in Canada as Trudeau Government introduces a cap on foreign workers

Who is affected by this new policy of Trudeau’s Government?

The international students who came to Canada for studies. Students with a hope of getting a permanent residency after their post-graduation are facing a huge backlash and have got highly affected by this new policy. 

By how much per cent the permanent residency has collapsed?

There has been a 25% reduction in the permanent residency. 

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